I am an author and I like reading works that challenge my perspectives and thrust me deep into the world of interesting characters.


I live in Japan, so it is usually easiest for authors to send me a MOBI. I write honest reviews, usually over 200 words. If your work is not edited, I will not review your book. If, while I am reading, I find that the book is not grabbing me, or is threatening to be two stars or under, I will drop the title and not review. (In the end there are too many great books in the world to force myself through one that isn't speaking to me.)


Genres I WANT to review:


  • LGBTQ (non-erotica)
  • Short Stories (stand-alone or anthology)
  • Fantasy (particularly those straying away from Arthurian, Swords & Sorcery, and Romance)
  • Speculative Fiction


I read a lot of short stories, so I am open to reviewing stand-alone short stories or anthologies. When I really like an anthology, I will review each story individually.


I identify as LGBTQ, so want to read books that have this theme. However, I'm not much into erotica, especially those with covers displaying mostly naked bodies. However, a smart erotica will peak might peak my interest, you never know.


I am not currently accepting other genres because I feel the other genres are adequately covered by other book reviewers.


You can contact me at info[at]alex-hurst.com. Please only send MOBI files.